Pragmatic Language Skills

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Language is a set of arbitrary symbols used by group of people for the purpose of communication. Human beings communicate to share ideas, feelings, desires, emotions and for sheer pleasure. Bernard & George (1942) stated language as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates. Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics are the varied components of language. These components can be classified as form of language (phonology, morphology, and syntax), the content of language (semantics), and the function of language in communication (pragmatics).
Assessment is one of the most complicated tasks for the professionals. Assessment forms an important step in helping children with their communication …show more content…

There are many formal and informal tests that assess the pragmatic skill. Because of the nature of pragmatics, it is difficult to construct a standardized test that accurately captures the essence of social communication. However, the assessment of pragmatic development is necessary to understand the competence of language use.
Although there are abundant tools to investigate the varied pragmatic aspects (Verbal, Non- verbal and Para-linguistic) there is only limited research on evaluating them in a sample of conversational speech. Hence there is a need to understand them to plan for the appropriate intervention
The current study aims to compare the varied pragmatic aspects in normal and individuals with varied communication …show more content…

Experimental group consisted of 15 children in the age range of 7-12 years exhibiting various communication disorders ( 7-Hearing loss, 2-Articulation disorder, 2-Phonological disorders,2-Stuttering,2-Cognitive deficit)and the control group comprised of 15 normal children in the age range of 10 to 15 years.

PROCEDURE: Prior consent is taken from the parents and each participant is tested individually in quiet, noise free environment. The Prutting and Kirchner Pragmatic Language Checklist (1987) was modified and used. Conversational speech sample was recorded for duration of 15 minutes. Picture description task was used as a stimulus and conversation was build-up on the task to asses verbal, non-verbal and paralinguistic aspects. All The responses were video recorded and individual profiles were obtained.
Score of 1 was given for the correct response of the communicative act and incorrect response was marked as 0.
Statical analysis:
The data was entered in excel sheet and two-way ANOVA was carried to assess the significant difference in the performance of the communicative acts in normal and individuals with varied communication