Language Barriers In Intercultural Communication In South Africa

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In South Africa during the apartheid era, South Africans were racially divided, because of the political situation racial groups were forced to live in segregated areas, although blacks were the majority whites were wealthier and had the political power [Ntuli, 2012]. This caused a lot of hatred and animosity between the whites and the native black South Africans thus making effective communication between the two groups a failure Language Barriers The need to have a language may be a pan cultural universal problem, having a language may be a universal solution to this problem, but the specific way in culture solves this problem, that is, it develops its own language which is different in every culture [Rose, 2006].Language is a part of communication and culture it gives clues to how people think about situations and people. Since language affects almost all aspects of everyday life, there need more of a focus on communication barriers in intercultural communication by researchers [Henderson, 2005]. A difference in language is the most obvious barrier to communication as two people speaking two different languages cannot communicate with each other. When one is in another country where a different language is spoken it is obvious that it is necessary for someone to speak the other language in order to summon the barrier and verbally communicate. Communication is meaningless if the participant doesn’t understand it. Language is the key to a person’s identity, it enables