Lansdowne Trajan Analysis

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The Roman Empire, at its height (c. 117 CE), was the most extensive political and social structure of western civilization. Under Trajan, the empire reached its greatest territorial expanse and his admiration for Greek culture spurred new building programs and classicizing works of art throughout the empire. The marble representation of Trajan at the San Antonio Museum of Art known as (The Lansdowne Trajan, 98-117 A.D.) establishes Trajan as a skilled military commander, an affluent ruler and a god that’s why the torso of this sculpture belonged to a statue of a youthful god and later consolidated with Trajan's head. In The Lansdowne Trajan, the unknown artist utilized fine marble, contrapposto pose, shape and line to capture the dynamism of …show more content…

This marble representation of Trajan is an exceptionally naturalistic statue. The statue, sized at 81 in. (205.7 cm) high represents a young Trajan in a relaxed position. The scale of this statue shows the power and strength of Trajan during his reign. The Lansdowne Trajan is an example of freestanding sculpture or sculpture in the round because it has been carved and chiseled out of marble, which was really expensive at that time. The subject and iconography of the work is to emphasize the success, reign and power of Trajan. The statue, now situated in the San Antonio Museum of Art can be viewed straight on when entered from the main corridor, as well as from every conceivable point. This standing statue is marginally above eye level due to a modern square plinth base. In this position, the viewer is situated directly in front of the work and The Lansdowne Trajan is positioned in such a way that we are able to look at its body but avoid eye contact with the statue from the left and the middle side. This indicates Trajan looking down towards his people and no ordinary citizen could look at him eye to eye. In spite of the fact that the model was carved

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