Laryngotracheobronchitis Case Study

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Abstract The respiratory system consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and lungs. Moreover, it is divided into the upper respiratory tract such as, nose, pharynx, larynx, and the lower respiratory tract trachea, bronchi, and lungs. However, there are some conditions that can affect the respiratory system such as croup. It is also called laryngotracheobronchitis; an upper airway infection that blocks breathing and has a distinctive barking cough that is a dry harsh cough that resembles the sound of a barking seal. According to Maternal Child Nursing 4th ed., ordinarily, the most cases of croup caused by viruses usually parainfluenza virus and sometimes adenovirus or respiratory syncytial virus. There are four major types of croup, …show more content…

Racemic epinephrine nebulized with oxygen may be given to decrease the laryngeal edema. A child with change in the respiratory status must be closely monitor and should not be treated with epinephrine on an outpatient because the effect of epinephrine are temporary (Mc Kinney, 2013). A child with respiratory distress should never be left alone, and the physician should be notified immediately. Beneficially, with doctor’s order, Oral dexamethasone in a single dose can decreases airway inflammation and reduces the necessity for hospitalization for many children (pg. …show more content…

An X-rays of the neck are often used to diagnose epiglottitis. X-rays of the neck can identify whether or not the epiglottis is swollen; in addition, x-rays can also distinguish between epiglottitis and croup (WebMD). According to Mayo clinic, most cases of epiglottitis can be prevented by immunizing children with the HIB vaccine. The HIB vaccine is very effective and it is recommended that all children between two months and five years of age to be

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