
Last Stop On Market Street Character Analysis

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In the book Those Shoes the character Jeremy has some similarities and differences with the character CJ from the book Last Stop on Market Street. I will be writing about the similarities and differences between Jeremy and CJ in the essay. There are three similarities they have in common. My first similarity is because they both want something. I think this is true because in the book Those Shoes it says “Oh, Jeremy... she says I can’t spend good money on shoes that don 't fit. I pull the other shoe on and try to walk around. They,re okay, I say”, this shows that he really wants those shoes and that he wants something. Another example in the book is “Grandma,I want them.” this shows that he wants them because he said it himself, and in the book Last Stop on Market Street it says “Why don’t we got a car?, CJ said” this shows that CJ wants a car and it shows that CJ wants something. Another example is “Two older boys got on next . CJ watched as they move on by and stood in back Sure wish I had one of those, he said” this shows that CJ wants something also. My next piece of evidence is because other people have what CJ wants and everybody haves what Jeremy wants. I think this is true because in the book Those Shoes it says “Brandon T. comes to school in those shoes.” this shows that people have what Jeremy wants. Every wants what CJ wants because in the book it says “ CJ waved to his friend. How come we don’t got a car?” this shows that his friend has what CJ wants and it
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