Latin Americ Opposing Viewpoints Summary

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In the novel “Latin America: Opposing Viewpoints”, author Louis Gerdes examines topical issues that are relevant to Latin America. Gerdes accomplishes this task through the incorporation of varying opinions of different people on the issues laid out. In the first chapter, the author delved into the issue of Latin American economies. The author made the assertion that as of recent years, the economies of most Latin American nations have not been doing too well. While some have been slightly improving, taken as a whole, Latin America is in a slump. Some of the viewpoints attributed this to the extremely interventionist policies instituted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The International Monetary Fund, according to the speakers, gives a large sum of money to these struggling countries and in return institutes standard policies that are not always successful. One source described it as an “experiment where they’ve forced these countries to implement tight fiscal policies and open trade and monetary policies regardless of what was happening on the ground, and it has failed” (21-22). However, officials from the International Monetary Fund dispute these claims, and assert that their policies have brought about positive change and growth. In the second chapter, the author explored …show more content…

The author explains how the the United States often comes across as oppressive and domineering. The speakers then proceeded to explain how the United States has limited the growth and progression of Latin American nations. The speakers are adamant that the United States has forever scarred many of these nations. However, other speakers argue that while the United States may have temporarily hindered the growth of some of these nations, many of the nations can grow stronger and healthier as a result of the support the United States has shown throughout the