Latin As A Dead Language

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Languages are essential forms of communication that are used on a day-to-day basis. Whether its at home, school, work, or at a restaurant, we use language to interact with one another. Languages change over time as different phrases or words change meanings. There are controversial languages that to some are outdated or no longer recognized as a common source of communication. One of those controversial languages is Latin, a language that has been around for a numerous amount of years. A dead language is, “a language that is no longer in everyday spoken use” ( Latin should not be considered a dead language because it is still applied in many words that we use to this day, it has survived and been around for vast amount of years, and it has influenced several languages across the globe. Many words that we use today originated from the Latin language, we use these words without consciously knowing where they originally came from. English words derived from the Latin language keep it “alive” by implementing part of a Latin word to the English one. For example, the Latin word “aqua” means water and is implemented in English words such as aquatics, aquarium, and aqueduct. Even though Latin isn 't widely spoken as it used to be, it still lives on through English words. There are other sources where Latin is commonly used one of them being scientific terms. An abundant amount of scientific terms are in Latin. It 's an accessible way of communicating terms worldwide