Latin Ballet Of America Analysis

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The Latin Ballet of Virginia always finds a way to connect their Latin heritage to their dancing. This time, during Milagros, a children’s story was put into movement. The story was of a young girl who was lost from home and could not get back until she learned of the truth. The Latin Ballet of Virginia’s theatrics often give a clear story-line without the use of their guided programs. However, during this showing I found it hard to follow along without reading the story or listening to the narration. As a whole the show was not very clear from my point of view. There were three pieces that I felt had a clear enough understanding to write about. The first being Carnival. In this piece, as the title reads, portrayed the fun and community of a carnival. The costumes all had the same characteristics but in different colors. The main version that I saw was tight black tops along with long red skirts that had black flowers printed closer to the bottom. One costume that caught my eye was a yellow skirt. The dancer with the yellow skirt did not have much of a special part, so it confused me as to why she had such an eye drawing color choice different from the other dancers.
They style of dance was fast-paced with quick footwork, which fit the beat of the music well. …show more content…

The story of this was that the young girl, Milagros, was kidnapped by pirates known as The Rubians. Throughout this piece and others there were two pieces of plastic in the front and the back of the stage that were used to portray water and wind. For this dance, it was used as water. What made me want to write about this piece the most was it’s drastic change in dynamics compared to the rest of the show. While the rest of the show used movements in the range of lightness, this created strength. While the rest of the show used vibrant lighting and music, The Rubians used dark and gloomy