Leadership In Beowulf

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Poems have been around for ages, and have many different forms. They’ve inspired and molded literature in a bunch of ways, as even rap came from a form of poetry and that’s a part of our modern world. Leadership is also is also an essential aspect consistently present in our modern day world, as now schools and kids to focus on team work and improve their leadership skills. “The Old English epic poem “Beowulf” contains timely insights into leadership and motivation, trust, respect, loyalty, and sacrifice that could inform current leadership practice” (155). John Finley and Tom Loughman go into depth on this in their scholarly journal, Beowulf and the Teaching of Leadership. They do this by going through some main purposes, including: examining the character of Beowulf as …show more content…

However, this can be argued against as there are many better examples of leadership and Beowulf does poor at symbolizing leadership skills, as he is more of a lone wolf than anything.

As John Finley and Tom Loughman analyze and provide info as to how warrior bands have to be, and how the protagonist of the epic "Beowulf" works as a solid leader in the warrior band. Although it's not directly stated that this is how his men are, it is stated that "Warrior bands had to be highly adaptive units whose members were ready to pick up at a moment's notice, alter course as sea winds changed and opportunistically choose proper targets" (157). On the surface after reading "Beowulf", for the most part this is relatable to Beowulf's men. However, through this logic, Beowulf isn't acting as a leader, and is moreso trying to teach his men how to be independant and work together. In fact, Beowulf does not do much leading at all, as he's seen easily killing Grendal alone and. In fact, Beowulf's men were practically useless as he basically took all the glory, and his men couldn't really do much if they wanted to (Beowulf, 51-53). Debatably, this might be seen as a good move as a leader, but

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