Learning Styles And Professional Development Paper

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Source: CIPD (2011)
Part 2 (B)
Learning Styles and Methods and Professional development
Effective learning environment should involve the utilisation of critical learning skills such as critical thinking, ability to solve problems, conduct research and creative thinking (Lorenzo and Lorenzo, 2013). These skills enhance an effective learning experience for learners. Numerous learning styles exist that are crucial in the learning process. These styles form the basis for this analysis presenting the contrast between the various styles and methods. The earning styles will be explored by reflecting the various learning theories. These theories are behaviourism and constructivism (Okoroji, Anyanwu and Ukpere, 2014). Cognitive constructivism is focussed …show more content…

From my learning experience, I view learning as an interactive and active process where the learner is involved in the learning process (Kerkiri et al., 2011). The approach of constructivist learning assessment, learning process is critical where the cognitive features of the learner enhances understanding and concentration. Three critical measures can be undertaken by an organisation to enhance better and effective learning experience. The first measure is ensuring that the environment is free from distractors to enhance concentration. Secondly, the organisation should ensure that the learners are actively involved by using learning aids. The third process should be ensuring group learning (teamwork) experiences to share ideas and knowledge in the learning process.
From evaluation of the learning process, it is important to point out critically that constructivist approach facilitates a learning environment that is interactive, active and engaging. These features enables the organisation to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the employees, present an effective environment for me to learner new knowledge, and share what I know with my team. It builds a strong working relation that facilitate the organisation in attaining the set objectives effectively …show more content…

Conflicts are important since they give room for argument in the process of providing a long lasting solution. The mediator listens from both perspectives through reflective listening. However, the mediator has to create a platform that encourages assertiveness mindset. Through this understanding, I am able to develop a positive and assertive mentality. I have learnt to be a good professional mediator in conflict resolution. Through this class am now able to understand my behavior. The exercises, demonstrations and discussions in class have influenced my skills at large extent in especially in resolution of a conflict. I am a reformed person from thinking, reasoning and in the