Leeuwin Current Research Paper

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Question 1- Describe what the Leeuwin Current is- The Leeuwin current, is the flow of water that runs through the southern and western side of Australia and is, the longest boundary current in the world is the Leeuwin current. The current was named after Cape Leeuwin, by researchers George Cresswell and Terry Golding. Cape Leeuwin was named after the voyager Leeuwin, it was a Dutch merchant ship, meaning lioness. The currents existence was first suggested by William Saville-Kent in 1897. It was because satellite technology created in the 70's that scientists were finally be able to confirm the existence of the current. The current is pushed along with a north-southernly pressure degree and is, at its peak of strength from May to June, which …show more content…

For the past 30 years marine scientists have found out that there is a relationship between the animal and the current, they have found out tat there is a circulation pattern for lobster recruitment. Around eight different types of cray fish is found around the western Australian coast, with most living around the area between Perth and Geraldton. Depending on the Leeuwin current and the pressure levels, the amount of cray fish is determined. The stronger the the current the more larvae will be transported near the coast. There are many cray fish larvae that is produced every year, but depending if it makes it to shallow waters or, near the coastal edge then the more or less juveniles will survive. When the Leeuwin current had its weaker years the production levels were lower then …show more content…

Depending on the strong and weak points of the current determines many recreational and commercial fishing counts. It can determine the amount of marine animals that is produced annually. The amount can effect the ecosystem and the food chain of marine life. The Leeuwin current allows us to be able to swim generally all year round, as the water is warmer in the winters then in the summers. Due to the Leeuwin current there are certain time periods to catch certain marine life that you prefer. The current can help and disappoint us in times but mostly the feedback is

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