Legalizing Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay

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According to Merriam-Webster dictionary,” Assisted suicide is the suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, affected by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor for this purpose.” This controversial topic has taken notice of the public recently, especially since the of the best-selling novel Me Before You has become popular. Though some supporters of assisted suicide claim the right to making their own choice regarding their death, people opposed to assisted suicide take into account the societal impacts and possible abuse that could come from legalizing it.
Many people who request assisted suicide are the family members of people in a vegetative state or the paralyzed. However, assisted suicide is only legal for terminally ill patients with diseases such as cancer. Paralyzed people are not terminally ill, in fact, they can live for many decades. With such loose terms on what is an acceptable reason for assisted suicide, it can result in the abuse of giving out the medication. Hundreds of thousands of people die annually from medical mistakes with treatments meant to save lives such as surgery. By legalizing assisted suicide nationwide, a myriad of mistakes could be made when giving out this pill. Elder abuse, a rising issue in the US, could easily rise with having the option of assisted suicide. With very few helped and many harmed this treatment could ruin the lives of thousands. …show more content…

“No, you can’t tell me what to do with my body. I want to know what all of my options are” (Maynard 1.) Though assisted suicide is a choice that Maynard has sought out, it is not necessarily her best or only