Legend Of Nero Chapter 2 Summary

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Panting heavily, Nero closed his eyes.“This is the end for daemons, humans, this pathetic war.” He whispered in a deep, angered voice. “Can’t go on much longer.. Need to find Ryo…” Nero couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by monsters charging at him. “Is this how I die…?” Raising his sword he named kyuketsuki he shouts, widening his crimson eyes “ COME THEN, FACE ME MONSTERS!”

He charged forward, slicing through the horde. “I never wanted any of this.” Nero thought to himself as he jabbed his blade into a daemon's chest. “All I ever wanted... Was to be a Hero..” Nero turned cutting a monsters head off, getting a gash on his right cheek. “This… wasn’t.. The life… I wanted…” Nero looked to his right, getting slashed in his right eye vertically. Nero jumped back, throwing his secondary sword he named Gwen Blayde at the monster that took his right eye. Watching it get pinned to a tree, he smirked slyly. “Took my eye..” Nero look to his left, covering his eye …show more content…

His bangs fell and barely covered his crimson, reptilian eyes. “Renva stop, you’re so embarrassing.” Nero turned using his hands to cover his mouth to hide his blush. “L..Let's get going, flat chest!” Nero ran, looking back at Renva with a “I’ll race you” look on his face. Nero and Renva were neck and neck, Nero, feeling cocky, went into a full sprint tripping over a tree, limb falling flat on his face with his feet in the air. “Nee ~ Nee~ looks like you had a nice fall.” Renva covered her nose giggling uncontrollably. Nero shot up, shouting at her with a hiss in his voice. “Shut up you flat chest!” Nero growled as Renva laughed, knowing he doesn’t mean it. “ Nero you’re so mean. Hehe~” Nero smiled as they continued to their way to their home. Nero and Renva caught the fair scent of burning wood coming to them from a distance. “Nero the town” Renva looked to him with confidence, she began running with Nero following