Descriptive Essay About Gladiator Games

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The somewhat empty Colosseum was full today. Poor and rich alike chatter among others, excitement building within as they all discuss the same event. The gladiator games are about to start. From where we sat in the Colosseum, I could see that the gladiator games were about to begin. My little brother Lars was bouncing erratically in his seat, the excitement visibly bouncing off of him. “Camari, the games are about to start! The Samnites will be fighting today! Aren’t you excited?” Lars chatted nonstop about the gladiators fighting, and though he was talking to me, it was obvious that he was starting to annoy the other spectators. “Shut that demon’s mouth, or I’m going to have to do it myself,” The people below us yelled out. Just to be safe, I told Lars to stop talking, just so we wouldn’t have to find out if those people’s threats were not real. Luckily, it was only a few more minutes until the gladiators came to battle. One gladiator was obviously a slave, as he was equipped with nothing but a small sword and useless shield, and the other …show more content…

The next morning, I headed to one of the Christian churches. I knew I would have to start somewhere, and the peaceful non-violent Christians seemed like a good start. Doubt hung on me, and it eventually became fear. Nobody else saw anything wrong with these games, so that made the Christians my only hope. If they refused, I would be alone on my protest against the gladiatorial games. More victims would die to this game, and it would be my fault. People would continue to cheer at the blood satisfaction for another millennium, with no one ever seeing anything wrong in it. Eventually I was so caught up in my thoughts, because before I knew it, I collided with a stranger, sending both of us to the ground. I stood paralyzed on the ground for a second before rushing back up to my feet to help the stranger up, who I recognized as a Christian monk. Just my