Lena Hau Biography

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I’m very grateful for all the support I’ve received at Harvard. Knowing that I have the support of professors Jene Golovchenko, Daniel Branton and Lene Hau has helped me move forward through difficult moments. I’m very grateful to Jene Golovhenko for his incredibly enthusiastic attitude about physics in general and my research project in particular. It has been infectious! Daniel Branton has always been very helpful with his direct and to the point advice and while I didn’t always take full advantage of his support, knowing that I had it made a difference. Lena Hau often challenged what I thought I knew about a topic and I often left the room with a much better understanding of the problem, or realizing that I didn’t understand what I was describing …show more content…

Almost all the experimental lab skills I’ve learned, I’ve learned from the people I worked with. Special thanks go to Dr. Slaven Garaj for taking me under his wing and teaching me almost everything “nano” that I know and a lot about research in general. Working with you has been a privilege. I’m very grateful to Dr. Fernando Albertorio for numerous incredibly helpful discussions about research and helping me though a number of difficult low points when “the experiments” failed to realize the deadlines I was dealing with. I’d also like to thank all the other members of the Golovchenko and Hau groups for their support and useful discussions, specifically Ray Aubut, Lu Bo, Eric Brandin, John viii Chervinsky, Hezi Cohen, Don Dressen, Damon Farmer, Peter Frisella, Jules Gardener, Marc Gershow, Anne Goodsell, Tommi Hakala, Dave Hoogerheide, Aaron Kuan , Song Liu, Trygve Ristoph, Chris Russo , Jane Salant and Tamas Szalay. Honestly, this work would not have been possible without all the people listed above. My family’s unwavering support and belief in me has been crucial. Thank you mom and dad for standing behind me, always! Finally a big thank you to Shannon for somehow managing to make even