Lenina Crowne In Brave New World

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“Awfully pneumatic” and proud of her attractiveness, Lenina Crowne was introduced to readers as a woman of a society that believed that comfort, materialism and pleasure are their only values. It’s evident as the novel progresses, that Lenina emerges as more complex as she initially seemed. She rebels against the World State’s belief that “everyone belongs to everyone else”, she wears colours that aren’t assigned to her caste and becomes emotionally attached to an outsider.

Why does Lenina wear green? Why is it such a big deal? In Brave New World, they emphatically emphasize status and intelligence through the colours assigned to each caste; alpha-grey, beta-maroon, gamma-green, delta-khaki, epsilon-black. Lenina is a beta. Green …show more content…

It is noticeable to everyone around her that she’s straying into dangerous areas of her sexual tendencies/habits. She’s continued an unconventionally long and exclusive sexual relationship with Henry Foster. As Fanny cautions Lenina, saying that she may get in trouble, she defends herself and says “No, there hasn 't been anyone else.... And I jolly well don 't see why there should have been" (36). Lenina knows that she’s consciously broken the regulation that everyone belongs to everyone else but continues to do so after by choosing the socially misfit Bernard Marx, therefore elucidating the impression that she rebels against her conditioning for sexual …show more content…

Lenina Crowne has been driven in many ways to rebel against her society’s beliefs and values, threatening the community, identity and stability of the World State. Inconsistency and orthodox are presumably evident in her character in the novel as she portrays as a rebellion against the assigned caste colours, a rebellion against the conditioning for recreational sex and as she portrays the potential to see past the conditioning in the