Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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In the book Of Mice and Men two there are two main characters are George and Lennie. They seem ordinary until you actually get to meet them. Lennie is the tall character who has some undefined mental disability. His disability just means that he needs more attention because of him being a physically grown man. He needs to be placed in a mental institution for the benefit of others. Throughout the book Lennie may seem as he is a little boy trapped in a man’s body, but this can have its issues. Having him around people can be a risk even though it can seem a little exaggerated it is true. This is simply just because he isn’t aware of what he does. In the book it has him say “Why do you got to get killed?” (pg. 85). It doesn’t seem that strange at first, but once you realize that this is a grown man questioning why his pet is dead.Of course we know Lennie was the one killed it, but he wasn’t aware of what he had done. This doesn’t just happen in just one occasion as it also a few times along the book. In one case it has some very serious consequences. As in one case he commited murder “And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck.” (pg.91) This proves that Lennie needs special care and that’s something that an asylum …show more content…

In the book they would often mention that they were going to live on the “fatta of the land”. This is just a dream that they wish to have since they’re only migrant workers. George just shouldn’t be responsible for Lennie since he can’t afford to complete meals for the both of them. A couple of references to this in the book are “You ain’t got sense enough to find nothing to eat.”(pg.12) That statement in the book just means that they are use to not eating. The second statement in the book is “I don’t need no nice food with ketchup.”(pg.12). That just means that they can’t afford certain