Leo Tolstoy Research Paper

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Leo tolstoy (full name count lev nikolayevich tolstoy) has been hailed as one of the greatest writers of all time, his creations have stayed relevant and entertaining since their publishing almost 150 years ago. Anna karenina, war and peace, and many of his other works have garnered serious critical acclaim and are so well written that some consider them to be the best literary works of all time. The time and place that Tolstoy was born had a gargantuan influence on his work as an author. The late 1800s were a testament to the change that was to come for Russia, several revolutions had already been and died, serving as a warning for what was to come. Tolstoy was born to a wealthy count and countess in russia in 1828, his mother died in 1830 when lev was just two years old, and his father died several years later in 1837. …show more content…

Because of her strong religious vehement, this aunt would play a significant role in tolstoy’s mental evolution. This aunt died in 1840 and the children then went to live with another aunt in a place called Kazan, tolstoy would then go on to study here at the university of kazan. Tolstoy began his studies at the school with a diplomatic career in mind, and decided to take classes on oriental languages. Tolstoy found these programs to be very burdensome and had difficulty with them, so much so that he transitioned into the infamously easy law course offered by the university. Finding that there were too many low-rent foreigners, he dropped out in 1847 and didn't get his degree. Tolstoy returned to his home of yasnaya polyana with his heart set on the idea of becoming a model farmer and acting as a sort of patriarch to the almost 800 peasants that lived on his family's land. This dream was short lived though,but this wasn't the last time we would see things akin to these ideas later in the future.