Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper

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Wurth 8A Essay “the painter has the universe in his minds and hands.” -Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da vinci was one the world’s greatest painters he was known for seeing the world in a different way. I wrote a little story explaining how leonardo saw the world in his own way and kind of explain how this means to me too so I hope you will enjoy this little story, so enjoy and after this story I will actually tell you what it means to me. The Da Vinci Eyes.. In a land far, far away there once live painter named Leonardo da Vinci that inspired many people to think. This happened to this girl name Celina she was the kind of girl that like to paint she live …show more content…

She said in Italian like leonardo da Vinci “the painter has the universes in this mind” The End.... What does this quote mean to me? This quote mean that I can see thing in another way I can create something great and see the way I want to see like Da Vinci did someday I will see things in a different way that people don’t see that’s what make me creative and me soon I will have a chance to see things in another way I haven’t seen it yet but one day I will like Da Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci was a great painter he painted picture after picture I wonder if he ever felt he had the universe in his head when he painted. I haven’t felt it yet so I don’t know but I can’t promise you and say I will tell you about it because it probably time along time to do plus I will be out of school. I hope I'll feel amazing with myself and being able to accomplish something great like Da Vinci did. This probably the weirdest essay I ever written and the weirdest you have ever read this quote feels like it’s saying there is a world and you got to make it your own just like painting a picture you got to make your picture your own but, I look at this quote like it’s life I have to live my life to the fullest with no looking back taking risks just really live because you are the painter, you have to see that, just a few hour ago someone told me how we have to look at this quote like we have to see it how you think right, well i think