Tiger Salamander: Native Species

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Tiger Salamander – Native Species Description: Tiger salamanders can be brown, to greenish or gray in color. They usually have brilliant yellow stripes or dots, or brown splotches over the length of their bodies, while some may have no markings at all. Range: They are found throughout most of the United States, the southern part of Canada, and eastern Mexico. Habitat: They prefer to live in deep burrows that are near ponds, lakes, or slow-moving streams. Food Habits: They feed at night on worms, insects, frogs, and even other salamanders. Lifecycle: Almost entirely terrestrial as adults. These salamanders usually only return to the water to breed. They are extremely loyal to their birthplace. They have been known to travel long distances …show more content…

Description: Leopard Frogs are brown to green with three rows of irregularly arranged black spots located on the dorsal surface. Around these black spots is a cream colored border. The dorsolateral folds begin behind the eyes and extend to the groin along the dorsal surface (back) of the frog. Additional spots extend along the side of the frog below the dorsolateral folds. The belly and undersides of the legs are pale white. Habitat: Found in a wide range of habitats, from ponds and streams to open and urban areas. Food Habits: A leopard frog’s diet consists of terrestrial invertebrates, such as spiders and insects. Lifecycle: Breeding occurs in stationary water sources such as ponds and swamps. Eggs are attached to vegetation or may lie idle at the bottom of a pond and may deposit in masses of 300 to 800 eggs. Within a week tadpoles will start to emerge and tadpoles may develop for one year, transforming upon reaching a size of around 2-3 inches. Sources: Conant, R and J.T. Collins. 1998. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern/Central North America. New York: Houghton Mifflin …show more content…

2009. Hyla cinerea (On-line). Accessed December 20, 2009. URL: http://fl.biology.usgs.gov/herps/Frogs_and_Toads/H_cinerea/h_cinerea.html Spring Peeper – Native Species Range: They range of Canada south through c. Florida, west to e. Texas, and north into c. Wisconsin. Description: They are tan to brown to gray. They have a characteristic dark X on back and large toe pads. Habitat: They prefer wooded areas in or near permanent or temporarily flooded ponds and swamps. Food Habits: Spring peepers are nocturnal carnivores. They feed on small invertebrates such as beetles, flies, and spiders Lifecycle: Spring peepers start breeding immediately after hibernation. They typically lay 800 – 1000 eggs. Eggs are hidden underwater at vegation bases. After hatching they are ready to leave the water in as little as 8 weeks. Source: eNature.com. 2009. Spring peeper (on-line). Accessed January 11th, 2010. URL: http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/detail.asp?recnum=AR0014 National Geographic. 2010. Spring peeper (on-line). Accessed January 11th, 2010. URL: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/amphibians/spring-peeper.html Gray Treefrog – Native Species Range: East to Mid-western United

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