Letter To Jude Research Paper

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Jude begins with the introduction of, “This letter is from Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of James.” Jude refers to himself as a slave of Jesus Christ. We commonly refer to ourselves as “servants” of Jesus, but are we really only just a servant?
A servant is someone who renders service for pay while a slave belongs to his or her master. Consider this quote of Dr. Josef Tson, a Romanian pastor who was imprisoned, and later exiled from his homeland, because of his faith.
“In twentieth-century Christianity we have replaced the expression “total surrender” with the word “commitment,” and “slave” with “servant.” However, there is an important difference. A servant gives service to someone, but a slave belongs to someone. We commit …show more content…

This attitude is nothing more than saying that we know better than God does what is good and what is evil. This is the same stinking thinking that led Adam into rebellion against God and cursed all of mankind.
If we acknowledge that God is all-powerful and SOVEREIGN. How can we then doubt His ability to be sovereign over His Word? Any “errors” in the Bible comes from the hardness in our hearts and the limitations of our understanding and not an inaccuracy of God’s Word. If we read His word and seek His understanding, the Holy Spirit will lead us into His light.
God asks us to have FAITH in Him; to trust Him completely in every aspect of our existence. His word tells us not to trust in our own understanding because it is flawed. Romans 5:12 teaches us that it is in man’s nature to sin. Proverbs 14:12 tells us that there is a way that seems right to man but it leads unto death. This nature, or instinct if you prefer, came from Satan through Adam and to all of mankind.
He should know this about us because He designed and created us. He engineered us and He knows His creation. He knows how He created us and He knows what happened to us when Adam listened to the true false teacher and rebelled against His