Leviticus, The Lord

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Leviticus and Numbers Journal
In Leviticus, the Lord tells his people; through Moses how to make sacrifices or offerings to him. He gave very specific instructions as to how each type of offering was to be handled; what ritual was to be followed. They were always to offer the most perfect of the species to God. Moses had told Aaron and his sons, the priests exactly how they were to perform each offering ritual, and the penalties for not doing it this way. The offerings were used to please the Lord or ask for forgiveness of sins. Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu did not do things the way God wanted them to so God burnt them up. God; through Moses; instructed Aaron and his family how to deal with their bodies and how to grieve. God …show more content…

Numbers tells how Moses sent out troops of people to claim Canaan as their own to enjoy what the Lord had promised them. Moses assembled troops and he and Aaron marched with, Moses prayed for guidance and victory each step of the way. Moses did this to show that God was in control, and they needed the Lord to gain victory. History starts repeating itself, the Israelites started complaining about Moses and God about the hardships they were facing on this journey. God heard their words and became angry. God killed many ungrateful people. Moses often interceded with the Lord for them, begging for mercy. Moses even offered his own life to save the lives of his people.
There came a time that even Aaron and their sister Miriam opposes Moses, they feel that they are just as important as Moses because the Lord has spoken through them also. God tells them that Moses is the true prophet, the one that he has chosen to show himself fully to, not in dreams and he doesn’t speak in riddles to Moses either. God punished them by giving Miriam a defiling skin disease, and again Moses asks for forgiveness for her. God agreed to forgive her but she had to go through the same cleansing process as anyone else that was …show more content…

Balaam stays silent, not defending his actions but stated that all he could do is declare the words of God.
Israel started to take on the actions and practices of the Moabites including sacrificing to their God’s. God tells Moses that he must put all of these leaders to death, that he must do it where everyone can see and know that he did it for the Lord. As the assembled people are weeping because of this plague put on them, one if the Israelites brought a Midianite woman into his tent. One of Aaron’s sons saw this and killed both of them. His actions ended this plague, but not before another 24,000 people were dead. God declares the Midianites their enemy and tells them they must kill them.
Three daughters of Zelophehad; from the line of Joseph, come to Moses stating that they feel they should receive their father’s inheritance. He was killed because of his sins, but they had not sinned and since there were no sons in their family, without this inheritance their family line would die off. Moses took this problem before the Lord and he decreed that every man’s inheritance should go to their next of kin, on down the line and this should be written into

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