Lewis L. Alden's Speech Analysis

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The Soldiers’ Monument is located in Phinney Park in Gorham, ME. Commemorating the citizens who served in the Great War, the monument was erected in 1936 as part of the town 's bicentennial celebration. The monument is made of red granite, and includes a bronze plaque which is engraved with the names of the one-hundred and thirty-five veterans from Gorham. Among the names are, Lewis L. Alden who served as a private in the 33rd Co, and died of disease on September. 22., 1918 at the age of 29 and Austin Alden (b. 1893 - 1978), a long time resident of Gorham. Alden, a prolific violin player survived the Great War and attended the bicentennial dedication to the veterans of WWI, where he gave a speech in reaction to the monument. In his speech, Alden speaks to the significance of the monument. Like the granite slab that came to Maine through glacial movement, the men who fought in the WWI, came from many nations of the world. Though coming from varying regions, the men of Gorham united around their new home, willingly taking up the ultimate sacrifice to make the world a better place. In his speech, Alden states that the monument should serve as a reminder for future generations to not only remember the men of Gorham who gladly …show more content…

The Soldiers’ Monument was revealed at the dedication of memorial tablets at Phinney Park held at 10 am on May 26th, 1936. A wide range of addresses, musical selections, and responses were given at the ceremony. Rev. W. H Stewart gave a stirring tribute to WWI Veterans, in which he spoke to the both the soldier 's glory, and sacrifice. While we all hope to be free of war, Stewart remarks that we shall always have the need for a soldier 's spirit. The monument was intended not only as an appreciation of the courage of those who fought in the Great War, but also as a reminder of what the war had meant, and to realize the price in cost of human

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