Lewis's Argument For The Existence Of The Law Of Human Nature

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In making the argument for the existence of the Law of Human Nature, C.S. Lewis first establishes the acknowledgement of a few different universal laws that man in subjected to. There is the law of gravity, in which Lewis insinuates that in the eyes of gravity, the body of man and a mere stone are one and the same. Then there are biological laws that correspond with those than an animal has. However, the one law that is specific to man and that man is free to disobey or get “mistaken”, is the “Law of Nature or decent behavior” (Lewis). C.S. Lewis uses inductive reasoning to form this kind of logic by first making the observation that even though throughout time man has seemed to have had different agreements of what they believe to be moral, …show more content…

Lewis proved he was not one for hesitation when it came to voicing his theories about the universe. Carefully manufacturing his first theory with inductive reasoning, Lewis is sure to incorporate logical thinking in his argument for the Law of Human Nature by pointing out different pieces of evidence to larger, more universal statements. He makes general observations after comparisons with different universal laws as well as different civilizations throughout time. Following these remarks, he delves further into his theory that people don’t need to be taught the Law of Nature, but that almost everyone knows it by nature. In the second paragraph, Lewis further establishes logical persuasion by pointing out his “Power Behind” theory with deductive reasoning. He goes from general thinking and indicates that there can be two different views on how the universe came to be, then he goes further into specifics by providing examples and evidence of how there really is a higher power, or a “Power Behind” (Lewis). In the end, I believe the more effective approach to stating one’s theory with logic would have to be with deductive reasoning. With deduction, one can make a broad observation before going into specifics and providing evidence to make the generalization more precise and restricted. Therefore, when Lewis made his argument with deductive reasoning, he was able to convince the audience with a more advantageous

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