What Is The Second Annual Report Of The American Society For Colonizing The American

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Annotated Bibliography

African Intelligencer, Vol. 1, no. 1. Edited by Jehudi Asmun. Washington, D.C.:
American Colonization Association, July 1820. Library of Congress, United States. http://lcweb.loc.gov/ehigits/african/afam002html.

In July 1820, the American Colonization Society published this pamphlet.
Jehudi Ashmun, a young teacher, who hoped to become a missionary to Africa, edited it. Its thirty-two pages contained articles on the slave trade, African geography, the expedition of Elizabeth (the ship that carried the first group of colonists to Liberia), and the ACS constitution. Upset by the expense and the lack of public support for the journal, the ACS managers canceled the monthly journal after one issue.

American Society for …show more content…

The names of subscriber to the organization are listed; and a detailed account of expenses incurred.

American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States. The
Second Annual Report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States. Washington, D.C: Printed by Davis and Force, 1819.

This Report is 153 pages in length. It contains much information: reports from auxiliary state branches; reports of progress in African settlements; reports from religious denominations as to their support of the ACS, and lists of subscribers to ACS; speeches of various individuals who spoke before the home-based group or to an auxiliary branch. There is a brief description of Paul Cuffe’s life and character, and excerpt of his letters. This Report is informative to the goals and action of the ACS up to this point in time.

Barker, Joseph. Interesting Memoirs and Documents relating to American Slavery. London: Chapman, Brother, 1846. Reprinted from a copy in the Negro Collection of the Fisk University Library. Mnemosyne Publishing, Inc., Miami: …show more content…

In doing so, the author put forth the proposition that the political, economic, and religious institutions of Liberia in the nineteenth century were largely extension of those in America. The colony, later became the state of Liberia, was originally settled by free or emancipated blacks and slaves recaptured on the high seas by the United States Navy. This is an excellent work in an area where little research has been done. It provides an excellent guide to understanding the relationship of the United States to the African nation of Liberia and why Liberia is different from other African

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