Dbq Imperialism In Africa

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The definition of imperialism is an action by a strong nation to take control of another country. According to CDC Malaria is a “mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite”. Between the late 1500’s and the early 1800’s Europeans didn’t enter Africa, because of the disease malaria.This ended during the 1800’s European countries such as France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Portuguese, Belgium, and spain imperialised Africa.

“What was the driving force behind the imperialism in africa?” This question is still being asked and there are many opinions about this specific question, but there is one answer. The driving force behind European imperialism in Africa is resources. Africa provided resources that the European countries desperately needed. You see, there was competition in Africa among the European countries, technology development increased, and power gain. These reasons may sound complicated, but it’s actually quite simple each reason …show more content…

British and French European countries were considered the biggest winners in the “race” to size African colonies in 1914. By 1885 the only two African countries to remain independent was Ethiopia and Liberia.(Doc A)
John Ruskin announced in his lecture at Oxford University February 8, 1870 that the colonist “first aim” should be “to advance the power of England by land and by sea” This influence that John had for the European countries was a great impact for imperialism in Africa .
Great Britain made about 3 million dollars from exports to South Saharan Africa in 1854 and this number increased to 20 million in 1900. This change in rate of growth for exports in Great Britain was a cause for competition in Africa among the European countries with the resources Africa was providing such as copper, zinc, lead, and coal. Which were used for coins, metal alloys, electrical wiring, rust protection, and ammunition fuels. A lot in which Great Britain was lacking in.(Doc