Library Banning Letter

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To Whom It May Concern I believe that this book. Dune should be on shelves in public libraries. I think that it’s unfair to ban this book in libraries. I think others should be allowed to read it. My intention for this letter is to inform you of several reasons, many which you may find true and you will find a good reason to unban it. In Calvino’s argument he says “to read a great book for the first time in one’s maturity is an extraordinary pleasure, different from (though one cannot say greater or lesser than) the pleasure of having read it in one’s youth. Youth brings to reading, as to any other experience, a particular flavor and a particular sense of importance, whereas in maturity one appreciates (or ought to appreciate) many more details and levels and meanings. We may therefore attempt the next definition” So I think that many of the youth here will be able to mature if they grow up with a classic. At first they may read it and not fully grasp it and understand it. But as they mature they will maybe understand it more. Maybe visit the book again and again to see if they could fully grasp it, or learn more about it. What I’m …show more content…

I think that this applies to real life too. This book I think could help others expand their knowledge and help to learn. Because I think to many people think that they have learned enough and that they should be content with what they know. Dune I think will help they realize their is a lot to learn and that is not infact difficult to learn. Another quote that is from Dune and that I find very invoking is “Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must