Lies Damned Lies And Drug War Statistics Essay

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Learning Outcomes

1. Define Discrete variables
2. Describe continuous variables.
3. Illustrate discrete and continuous frequency distribution computations
4. Model the various discrete and continuous frequency distribution diagrams
5. Calculate the measures of central tendency – mean, median, mode, quartile, percentile of the data set
6. Calculate the measures of spread and dispersion – range, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variance of the data set. Introduction

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics
- Mark Twain

It is not fair to say that statistics are lies, or that statistics lie. It is more accurate to say that statistics can be used to lie. That is it can be manipulated to support any argument , including a knowingly false argument. …show more content…

Robinson, Renee G. Scherlen , there is overwhelming evidence that ONDCP of United States (Office of National Drug Control Policy) regularly and intentionally presented faulty statistics to make knowingly false arguments about the (in)efficacy of drug war. When people use statistics to mislead, we get a false sense of the information and end up in misinterpretation. We need to have a better understanding of source of data and how they are being presented. As a consequence, we would not be misled. The false statistics can be damaging to the search for right information. Data manipulation can be an important cause for misleading statistical information. Often outliers, missing data, and non – normality can be key sources of faulty statistical analysis. It is critical to do proper study of the data and then solve the real problems in the data before venturing into statistical analysis