Lieutenant General Doyle: Balanced Approach To Environmental Issues

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As a Conservative Democrat, Lieutenant General Doyle believes in taking a balanced approach to environmental issues. A balanced approach to improving the environment involves pursuing alternative forms of energy but continuing the implementation of nuclear energy, oil, coal and gas for which we already have all the infrastructures in place. Doyle recognizes that there is currently a great reliance on traditional energy industries so a long term transition towards alternative energy will be put in place. Over time, Doyle will phase out these traditional forms of energy as cleaner forms of energy become established.
To address the previously established industries, Doyle plans to improve their standards to have less impact on the environment. …show more content…

Natural gas produces “roughly 95% fewer pollutants than gasoline or diesel fuel when burned”. We have enough reserves to last for about 87 years, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions Act of 2011 took a major step forward to promote natural gas. This act renewed the tax credit on natural gas fuel for five years, it gave new credits for buying and producing natural gas vehicles, and it gave a tax credit for building new natural gas stations. Doyle supports this type of legislation. This is the type of legislation that gives companies that drill for natural gas to the incentive to increase their production. As president, Doyle will extend the tax credit for another five years. Doyle also believes that buyers and producers of natural gas vehicles should continue to receive tax credits. This is a job creator, and it reduces our dependence on foreign oil. This also means that these citizens who are polluting less will be …show more content…

Nuclear energy only creates minimal negative effects to the environment. Nuclear energy produces steam and low levels of carbon dioxide. Nuclear energy is also beneficial seeing that it produces a large amount of energy for a low cost. Nuclear reactors generate energy at a lower cost than oil, gas or coal. This nuclear energy will be a stable source of energy seeing that it is a base load source and it is synergistic with other renewable resources. In 2012, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the building of two new nuclear reactors. Doyle supports this decision to build new reactors as well as continue operating nuclear power plants as long as they can pass the safety requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Thousands of people are needed to build each nuclear reactor. After a reactor is built, hundreds of highly skilled workers are needed to run it. Seeing this, a large sum of long term job opportunities will arise for American citizens. These jobs will both positively impact the environment as well as the economy. Nuclear energy technology has continued to improve with two types of reactors; the Molten Salt Reactor and the Fast Breeding Reactor. Doyle believes nuclear energy will be a beneficial energy source for the