Life Exploratory Essay

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Life expectancy is how long a person is expected based on the environment around them and previous lifespans within that country. This is a good demographic because it is important to take into account how long you will live. Food supply (kilocalories / person & day) is the total food supply the country has as a total divided by the population. Then, the amount of calories are recorded for how much every person SHOULD receive.Without food, the people will most likely starve to death at an early age. Therefore, the more food available, the better. These two demographics were paired together because the amount of food causes the life expectancy to increase or decrease.

This plot justifies that Luxembourg is best country because food is a necessity and if a country is lacking food, the people will not survive for long without starving to death. Many people will suffer and die young which is not what should happen in the best country. In the best country, the people should live long and be well fed. Luxembourg’s food supply is 3681 kilocalories per person per day, and this country’s life expectancy is 80 years old. These two numbers display that Luxembourg is very well fed. …show more content…

The more food the country has, the longer lifespans the citizens have. An observation, within this scatter plot, is that all the Sub Sahara African countries are near the bottom of the line of best fit, which means they do not have a lot of food and don't live as a long as the other regions. This observation leads to the inference that the Sub Sahara African countries are