Personal World View Essay

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Personal World View of the Origin of This Universe From this chapter, I was first time real contacted to the Bible and the world view of christian. And I found there is a big difference between what I heard about christian world view from China and the truth. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”(Genesis 1:1) briefly explained the creation that was described in the first two chapters in Genesis. Before this topic, it was very unbelievable for me, that someone can really create the universe from nothing. But, I believed in that the whole universe was created in an accident explode. However, I kind of changing my opinion through the video on Wednesday . And all these are very important to my world view, as they explained how everything exists and where it comes from, which is the base of the whole world view.
God created every thing from nothing. In the first chapter, God used his power to create everything in …show more content…

Most of cultures in the world, either they are holding a pantheism or theism worldview, all has their story about the origin. It helps us to understand where everything surround us comes from. In this way, people will not hold an unlimited fear to unknown. At the same time unknown is where all human’s or even all animals’ fears come from. (, 2017)Base on my worldview of origin, there must be some sort of supernatural things. They are not understandable or able to be proofed by our science or even logic, today. They contain high quality and large amount of energy. They are gods in my worldview. However, so far, I didn’t see Bible said anything about how and when God created other planets except the earth. Base on the study of universe, earth is one and the only one planet that contains living things. So earth should also be unique or at least important to those supernatural things. In order to delay the restoring, we must take care of the