
The Continual Debate Of Origin Creation Vs. The Big Bang

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Why are people so quick to deny the idea that the origin of the world came from a divine creator? Society reverts quickly to the idea that the world was created by complete happenchance. The continual debate of the origin creation vs the Big Bang (Evolution) contradicts the teachings that the world has a creator; therefore, not formed from essentially a “Big Bang”.

The debate has now come to a power struggle between Christians and “Reasoners” or scientists. Neither side wants to budge or give in to avoid losing power or the “edge” in the debate. Citizens either have two views of the origin of the universe. The first being that a divine creator (God) created all of the universe and everything in it. The second being the belief that the world …show more content…

They are biased to the idea of a creator, and they have the right to be. The evidence is on their side. The people that back up the second idea are mostly atheists or do not want anything to do with Christianity. These people believe that the universe was created by chance and science (Jackson 1).

The Big Bang says that all of the matter in the universe was packed into a tiny space no larger than a dot on a page. Where did all of the matter come from? What caused it to stay in one dot? Where did the gravity come from to hold it together? These questions have been avoided by Evolutionists time and time again. The answer is simple, there was not any of the matter. You simply do not come up with something from nothing. This is highly impossible (“Big Bang and The Bible” 1). In an environment without any friction one would have this spinning dot going so fast that it would later have to explode.The matter and planets would all have to spin in the same direction as the dot that it exploded from. This is the conservation of angular momentum. How do you explain some planets spinning and rotating in different directions? Even those planets have moons that spin and rotate in the …show more content…

The random undirected descent of the creation of the world is the the main backup of the debate (“What The Bible Says 1). Some evolutionists say that the creationist view is not worth the time to study and test. They say it is “not worthy” enough (2). The Big Bang teaches that the universe was randomly made 80-100 Billion years ago. It also says that in 80-100 Billion years the Earth and Solar System will be compressed once again. By this we would be compressed together again into a tiny dot like once before (The Big Bang and The Bible 2). Overall the theory teaches nothing is planned. Everything is random and wholly materialistic. The whole belief is that it is all by science and reasoning (Wieland

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