Compare And Contrast Creationism And Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

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Humans always need answers to questions they don’t understand. Many discoveries of this modern day such as - discoveries of new planets, cures to various diseases etc is due to the curiosity of humans. One question that has baffled humans is “Where did the universe and the life that is on it come from? This is one of the most controversial topic ever, because both creationist and evolutionist cannot come up with a proven answer. Evolutionists believe that the world is based on a scientific evidence. They claim that the world was not made in days, but rather earth was formed from a fireball explosion caused by chemicals joining together. And also all creatures on earth are linked to one common ancestor. Another evolutionist called Charles Darwin also explained a theory he discovered known “Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution”. According to Darwin, the world evolves through a process called natural selection. Natural Selection is when the strongest gene is able to adapt and multiple on a specific ecosystem. On the other hand, Creationist believe that a higher power above everything created the world and everything in it within some days. Authors, Stephen Jay Gould and David P Barash, who wrote these new york times articles; Evolution as fact and theory and God, Darwin and My College Biology Class respectively illustrated on the challenges and conflicts evolution and fundamentalist religion. The …show more content…

Eversince the human race started, humans had always tried to find these answers but to no avail. Day in, day out various sceptical answers are brought into the system. Some of these answers are from Evolutionist who believes that the world came from a parent cell which broke down to different varieties to make everything on earth. Creationist or fundamentalist on the other hand are saying that the world and everything in it was made by a higher power that is above everyone and everything. The author of the article