Personal Worldview Essay Examples

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Through the provisional of mankind, I have stood before existence with a pulchritude of humanness and meaning. Thereof, my beliefs about myself is that I project my own meaning through an inner subjectivity. As such, the opinions of others does not govern my existence. That is to say, my transcendence is the representation of myself which goes beyond all objectivity. One cannot fully articulate the possibilities of the world but, I know my happiness is an immanent reflection on who I want to serve and that is, consciousness-of-self. To say nothing of, another belief that I have conjured up is, I am free to be me. To explain, from my existentialist point of view, I truly believe there is a subjective horizon to be reached. It is never given, …show more content…

The three main components that helped me to form my worldview go as follow: ethics, human nature, and God. Through this lens, one can only project the makeup of the world. Chiefly, ethics lay the foundations of a person’s character. In essence, many people repress back into the nihilism of yesterday in which the plenum of being is revealed through a false contextual reality in which they brush stroked the past into the present. To me, the world is in dependence among authority. In order to reach for freedom and meaning, one must survey the wholeness of self by taking some action to reveal revelations about mankind. Truth can only be discovered through conscious action and individual choice. Situation, motivation, meaning, and purpose are all one in favor for independence and authenticity. If one fails to take part in this ensemble, the fatigue of dependency will quail back into the present moment. This will lead to a phenomena in which I like to call a “linear reductionist …show more content…

First and foremost, how we see the world as a child evolves as we mature, we question, and sometimes feel guilty to question. The world for some reason is a special spec of the universe that has offered our specie a time to enjoy such wonders. To be such a small needle point of time in a world that is 4.5 billion years old must be taken responsibly. It is this responsibility that one must learn to not only enjoy but to nurture it and take it all in. To not enjoy such time in this earth is a disregard for oneself and those who surround us. As I see it, human nature is the playground of the id with a throw-in of existential despair. Perhaps one can say seek ye kingdom of Darwin, Freud, and Adler and you shall have everything you want. When we are confronted with the illusion of “survival of the fittest” or “sexual repression,” we quickly imagine ourselves floating into this proverbial cloud conceiving this to be our secure foundation. Ultimately, each person tries to gain admission into one of these kingdoms. Yet, they fail to realize that these kingdoms do not shape our human nature. Rather, the freedom to detach oneself from the psychosis of our socio-economic and political corruption is the gateway to self-transcendence. It is then we encompass positive freedom and freedom of thought. It’s long been known that human nature is

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