Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

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Joy, glee, bliss, felicity, there are so many words to describe this one feeling we all search for, we know where we want to be but how do we know what roads to take to get to our destination. Happiness is in our daily lives, we believe that we are meant to be happy and need to stop at nothing to find it, the reason being it has been burned into our minds and is all around us. Anywhere from Happy holidays to Happy meals we are centered around this one idea yet we have such a hard time finding it. The declaration of independence states, “...with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the ‘pursuit’ of happiness” even our founding fathers knew that finding happiness isn’t easy so they promised us not happiness itself but the pursuit. …show more content…

You have to enjoy the good moments as they are happening not focusing on every little negative entity. Don’t go to a family party whining that you don 't want to be there, that the food isn’t good, your cousins are annoying and you wish you were with your friends. Instead, don’t focus at all, enjoy the time your spending with family because they 're not always going to be there, make jokes about the terrible food, play with your little cousins, make memories that will make you smile years