Life Of Nat Turner Chapter Summary

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The book is about the life of Nat Turner, an African American slave, and the rebellion he led. The book begins in November, 1831. Nat Turner sits in a jail cell waiting for his sentencing for a rebellion he led which resulted in the death of around 60 white women, children, and men. Nat's attorney, Thomas Gray, pressures Turner to confess to the crimes he had committed hopefully to make peace with God. At this point, Nat beings on talking about his childhood where the root of his hatred for the white race. Nat Turners first mast was Samuel Turner (who the book displayed as a caring slave owner). Turner believed in educating his slaves allowing them to learn how to read or write. Nat ends up being a skilled carpenter. During this time while Nat is growing and learning his mother was raped by a overseer when the master was away. This is where Nats hatred of white people began. Turner throughout the story hints at promising nat his freedom, but as the story goes on and misunderstandings occur Nat is sold to a preacher Reverend Eppes. Reverend Eppes is described as an old, homosexual, disgusting, white man who is obsessed with young african American boys. Eppes begins trying to suduce Nat and when Nat refuses he is sold to two farmers who whip Nat and the other slaves …show more content…

Travis lets Turner continue carpentry, reading and writing. Travis even allows Nat to practice religion and preach to the other slaves who couldn't read or write. One night Nat recalls having a vision of black and white angels fighting in the sky. To Turner, this is a sign from God that he is take the group of fellow Slaves and lead a rebellion against the white race and destroy them. Nat is troubled when he meets Margaret Whitehead, the white daughter of a local slave owner. Nat believes that if his rebellion continues that he will have to kill the woman he