Life Of Pi Dialectical Journal

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This passage is taken from page 337 to 346 in life of pi, the point where Pi tells the second story of his survival to the two Japanese men, Mr. Okamoto and Mr. Chiba from Maritime Department in the Japanese Ministry of Transport. It is structured of Pi’s perspective and storytelling of his ‘life’ on the Pacific Ocean with human characters, from the sinking of Tsimtsum, and Pi tells this intense story to these men because they do not seem to believe his spectacle adventure with the tiger. It is symbolizes the life of pi and survival theme again, which tells the reader that his perilous journey on the life boat begins. On this passage, his perspectives on the certain character and direct events between characters well fit together which …show more content…

His mouth had the discrimination of a garbage heap. He also ate the rat. He cut it up and dried it in the sun. I-I’ll be honest-I had a small piece, very small, behind Mother’s back. I was so hungry. He was such a brute that cook, ill-tempered and hypocritical”. This explains the reason of all of the events happened in the life boat that makes sense to the reader to be sure the cook would have killed Pi’s mother, and explains the treacherous relationship between cook and the other characters in the second story due to the will to survive. Also, this statement means that what he had done is just as same as the cook, but he denies in a roundabout way that every creature tends to do everything even though their morality stops them, because desire to live be a natural trait of all creatures, which is stronger than the morality. Therefore, this passage includes the life theme of pi on the Pacific Ocean as well as the Pi’s perspectives on the story, and just has horrific survival that involved loss of …show more content…

The readers can understand more easily than being told to by other narration sources, because the story is totally based on Pi’s survival on the life boat, so the readers can define the characters based on Pi’s thoughts, feelings, and internal struggles. Nevertheless, Yann Martel's detailed and realistic writing of this passage confuses everyone to detect if the first or the second story is true. I think the reason is that Pi is the only survivor who was put into this situation, and there are no real evidences that would convince the readers. And then, at the very end of the novel, the two Japanese men argue about if the first story characters and second story characters are quite identical on page 345, "And the hyena bit off the zebra's leg just as the cook cut off the sailor's". This proves that they appears to be the third person narration of this novel that they do not assume character's perspective and is not a character in the story, and reports on events that lets the reader supply the