Life Of Pi Research Paper

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Loss Of Innocence Essay Experiences shape who we are. In the story "Life of Pi" by Yann Martell, a key theme is "Loss of Innocence," where we read about Pi's childhood and journey. The story depicts many events that slowly chip away at Pi's personality and identity until he loses his innocence, events endured at a young age, moments of loss and times of life or death. These all slowly but surely change a person. Many times in the story, readers learn of events that change, making him lose his innocence, for instance, Pi's dad sharing the dangers of the animals, Pi seeing the tsimtsum sink, and Richard Parker killing the other castaway. The most innocent time in our lives is our childhood. In the story, Pi first loses a piece of his innocence …show more content…

But I heard a lot. It was enough to scare the living vegetarian daylights out of me." This quote is of Pi witnessing this event firsthand and hiding in fear. He was terrified, seeing the tiger devour the goat. The story states, "The lesson is over." Ravi and I sulked and gave father the cold shoulder for a week." Pi lost a piece of his innocence. Having his image of the animals destroyed shows how Pi was deeply affected by this event. When we lose something, for instance, a possession or a friend, we lose a piece of ourselves. The sinking of the tsimtsum led Pi to lose many possessions and his family. Pi expresses, "I was not wounded in any part of my body, but I had never experienced such intense pain, such a ripping of nerves, such an ache of the heart". This quote represents the emotional pain endured by Pi after the boat sank, he lost his family and much of what he owned. In Pi's view, "And what of my extended family - birds, bats and reptiles?" They too have drowned. Every single thing I value in life has been destroyed. And I am allowed no explanation? I am to suffer hell without any account of