Life Of Pi's Suffering Analysis

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Topic #6 Throughout the book Life of Pi, Pi suffers from a lot of different things and circumstances. He suffers from the pain of the ship, Tsimtsum sinking and the pain of losing his entire family. Pi also has to deal with the suffering of being alone on the lifeboat with Richard Parker(p.121). Pi had to find ways to deal with all of this pain and suffering, or he would have went mad and most likely died. The main thing that helped keep Pi alive throughout the whole box was Richard Park. Later in the story Pi tells Richard Parker, “I love you! Truly I do. I love you, Richard Parker. If I didn't have you now, I don't know what I would do. I don't think I would make it. No, I wouldn't. I would die of hopelessness. Don't give up, Richard Parker, don't give up. I'll get you to land, I promise, I promise!"(ch.86). Richard Parker helps keep Pi alive by keeping him busy. Pi constantly has to care for not only himself, but also for a 450-pounded Bengal tiger. Pi goes fishing a lot throughout the story. The fish, turtle, and crabs were their main source of food on the lifeboat(ch.66) One of Pi’s weekly, sometimes daily job on the lifeboat was actually cleaning it. Since he didn’t actually have the right supplies, he had to improvise. He would clean up after Richard Parker by …show more content…

He thought Richard Parker was going to kill him, or he would have to kill Richard Parker. He soon realized that he was going to survive and that Richard Parker was also going to survive. In order for that to happen though, Pi had to get Richard Parker to realize that Pi was the alpha “tiger” and that he had to respect him and his face. Pi had to train Richard Parker. It took a little bit, but Pi had made Richard Parker realize his authority(ch.57-58). Later on in the book, Pi also trained Richard Parker to jump through hoops while they were on the floating island on

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