
Persuasive Essay On Life Without Parole

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Life without parole Juveniles who commit first or second degree murder should they receive a mandatory life sentence without parole? Most supreme court justices agree that this sentence violates the eighth amendment , banned on cruel and unusual punishment. But in my belief everyone knows their right from their wrongs, even if you was a child who grew up in a bad society and was left abandoned. I agree that juveniles who committed a crime that involves first or second degree murder should receive a life sentence without a chance of parole because equality everyone deserve the same treatment , adolescents should know their right from wrongs , and last but not least keep the streets safe.
Juveniles who committed a murder deserve a life sentence without parole because in scientific facts your brain is not fully developed till your 25 years of age, but in the U.S you're committed as an adult at the age of 18 …show more content…

Absolutely, I would agree with the supreme court if 13 - 24 year olds had a chance to get a life sentence with a chance of parole. Then equity would be fair because in scientific facts your brain frontal lobes are not developed till the age of 25 so any decision you make or choice it is kind of not your fault because your brain not developed. If a new law was made which increase giving juvenile increment up to 22 years of age, I would agree juveniles should have a chance to have a life sentence with a chance of parole. In the passage “Juveniles Don’t Deserve Life Sentences” By Gail Garinger In the 5th paragraph the second and third sentences she states “Young people are biologically different from adults”. Brain imaging studies reveal that the regions of the adolescent brain responsible for controlling thoughts , actions and emotions are not fully developed. I agree, juveniles should and cannot be held to the same standards when the brain is not fully developed as an adult's

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