Light And Dark Tales Of The Great Depression

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Taught in school rooms and passed down through various family members, dark tales of the Great Depression continue to haunt the history of our nation. Following the principle, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” men in the Great Depression era took it upon themselves to restore currency value by altering the faces of nickels and trading them for basic necessities.
From 1929 to 1981 many once successful men lost their jobs and had to scrounge for work (“What” 1). Starting in 1929, the Great Depression began with the crash of Wall Street. Unemployment rates sat comfortably at 3.2 percent in 1929 but other great misfortunes sent them skyrocketing to an all-time high of 24.9 percent in 1933 . Merely two years after Wall Street, tragedy struck the young United States again with the beginning of …show more content…

in 1931. 200 million dollars disappeared with the crash of New York’s bank, inevitably contributing to the ever rising unemployment rates which sat at 16.3 percent. Elected in 1932, Roosevelt brings hope to the American people but none can rejoice yet with the unemployment rates at 24.1 percent and still climbing. Coincidentally, no buffalo nickels came into production in the years of the highest unemployment rates (“Great” 1). With Roosevelt in charge on the struggling country, problems began to disappear, but new troubles continued to arise. 1935 will go down as one America’s darkest years, literally. After experiencing a four year drought on the West side of the country, the strong winds stir up all the dry topsoil creating America’s worst sandstorm, now known as “Black Sunday”. With unemployment slowly

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