
Light Vs Darkness In Beowulf Essay

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Beowulf is a hero with a strong, absorbing background who has helped a lot of people in his day. How did darkness play a significant rolled in the story? The theme darkness vs. light played a very important rolled in the story. Night represents Grendel and the bad things he did, the day represents Beowulf and the good things he has done. This paper is structured on the theme darkness vs. light because the morality of the story is the centre of darkness vs. light. The ruins of paganism, in the age of Theodosius, those were the last days of paganism and Christianity takes over most of the society. Christianity vs. Paganism in society placed a considerable rolled on the lives of people. Paganism represents all the evil things that take place in society like crime, disobedient, etc. Christianity had to do with all the positive things in society like respect, love, peace and unity. In paganism, …show more content…

According to Christians for every evil man in this world, there is one good person to stop him from hurting others. Beowulf heard about Grendel, Hygelac’s thane was on home ground, over in the Greatland. There was no one else like Beowulf to stop Grendel, from taking over Greatland In his day, he was the mightiest man on earth. he was the greatest fighter on earth. “Behavior that’s admired is the path to power among people everywhere.”(24) Good behavior and a positive attitude can change the world. Beowulf went to Greatland to defeat Grendel because of his father’s dedication to the king of Greatland, ”Then as dawn brightened and the day broke.”(126) the battle was about to go down. Finally, a Hero has risen again and defeated the enemy and his mother he raises Grendel arm high above his head and set all the people of Greatland free from their fair once again. That’s how darkness vs. light played a important rolled in the story of Beowulf night equal to evil and day equal peace love and

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