Examples Of Good And Evil In Beowulf

371 Words2 Pages
Lanae Carter
9th period
September 18th, 2017

Good vs Evil
Good and evil is a constant compare and contrast thing throughout the story of Beowulf. The concepts of good and evil are presented in Beowulf by being set up with evil following good or vice versa. For example, “The corners of the Earth were made lovely with trees and leaves” Raffel, line 11-12 is followed by a scene with evil in it. “Grendel who haunted the moors, the wild marshes” Raffel, line 17-18 is an example of evil.
The evil in beowulf represents the monsters that terrorize the danes causing them misery, and the good is represented by Beowulf being brave and strong and ending those monsters. Evil also represents anything coming from hell. The good is a direct clue