
Limiting Exponential Growth And Logistic Growth Within A Population

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The purpose of this report is to outline major factors limiting exponential growth which leads to logistic growth within a population. And to then show how exponential and logistic growth is relates to the populations growths carrying capacity. Carrying Capacity is the largest size an environment population can support with no net increase over long periods of time. (Wolfe, 2000) When an environment reaches it max, it can show the cause of how a population can reach and oscillate around its carrying capacity. Its relationship to population growth is only to the logistic population growth rate changes as it reaches carrying capacity. (Wolfe, 2000) Logistic population growth rate is one of limited resources for the population in …show more content…

(Campbell & Reece, 2011) It was mention briefly that limiting factors lower the growth of a populations growth rate. Some limiting factors are density dependent and others are density independent. Density-dependent factors include resources such as food or nesting sites and Density- independent factors such as weather influence the population regardless of its size. (Wolfe, 2000) The density of a population isn’t constant and is always changing. Density can increase and decrease over time; adding, and removing individuals from the population. Limiting factors can lower birth rates, increased death rates, or lead to emigration. (Harwood, 2016)) Limiting factor are what cause an increase or decrease of the population density which leads to the population to oscillate around its carrying capacity. Energy, shelter, refuge from predators, nutrient availability, water, and suitable nesting sites can be limiting factors. (Campbell & Reece, 2011) When there is an increase in the populations density, individuals within the population tend to have fewer resources. There is a limit to the number of individuals that can occupy a habitat. (Campbell & Reece, 2011). That is when individual within the population compete for resources and space this causing the growth rate density to stop increasing and the population will level itself. Thus, the factor has caused the population to be limited which also causes it …show more content…

So, it’s a habitat not touched by man which occurs naturally on its own. Humans are not affected as much by limiting factor as the natural population is. In the past, the human population was much like the natural population. Both experiences births, deaths, migrations, and emigrations, but only the natural population reached its carrying capacity. The human population is currently undergoing an exponential growth phase with a population exceeding 6 million. (Wolfe, 2000) Humans can survive in different environments, in which they can add air conditioning or heat to regulate indoor temperatures. They can design and build shelters that protect from the harsh environments. (Houghton, 2007) Human population seems to dominate over the natural population. The human population has technology and shelter to shield from different weathers. Because the human population dominates and use more resources, it has put pressure on the environment, limiting the resources to other organism causing their decline. (Wolfe, 2000) Humans are not the best and the brightest in the Kingdom. We have the worst vision and sense of smell compared to some species in the natural population; but because we have more control over our limiting factors we have caused the Earth’s carrying capacity to increase. I believe that the human population will continue to grow over 5 times its current population density before

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