Lincoln Vs Douglass Pros And Cons

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There is always someone trying to take a supreme being with power down. People often try to outsmart one another with their words and actions just so they can exceed you in life. The outcome is usually for an essential place in life. Between Lincoln and Douglas, it took 7 different debates to just get the right results. The debates between Lincoln and Douglas were seen as an important event in history due to Lincoln being the underdog, their views on slavery and the outcome.

Douglas was already entitled as a “Senator”, therefore everyone was familiar with him and his arrangements. He had an abundance of appropriate power and knew how to take action with it. However, there was a soon opponent to Douglas and he was a complete stranger to him and most of Illinois. Abraham Lincoln was his name, he was a complete nobody that wanted to take the title over Douglas. As Lincoln was a republican, Douglas was a democrat. Lincoln was seen to be the underdog, he came out of the shadows and challenged Douglas who was a well-known being. People soon found him courageous for his nonchalant debate thrown at …show more content…

Douglas had the power and the advanced tactics against Lincoln, so when he would declare that slavery wasn’t immoral, people would often follow and think what he thought. Popular sovereignty is what he referred to during these heated debates, also stated how he wanted to expand slavery across the country and claim territories for his own. Lincoln on the other hand wanted to oppose slavery. Was part of some sort of anti-slavery party and entitled himself to support “free soilers”. Free Soilers were free men who basically belonged on free land. Lincoln also spoke out to the legislatures about outlawing slavery. Both candidates fired back at each other about who was right and who wasn’t, they also seemed to like “calling out” each other's plans and futuristic