Pros And Cons Of Frederick Douglass

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Perseverance is a trait that you will find in most Americans. This trait has carried throughout many great Americans such as Abraham Lincoln, when he persevered to get the nation back together as a whole and he succeeded. He worked hard as possible to help prevent the nation splitting up. Frederick Douglass was a man that struggled so greatly during his life . He was never taken seriously because he was a black male, and at the time no one took any black person seriously. But Frederick Douglass persevered and fought for the black community in many ways to help them gain their rights and helped them to be viewed as actual human beings and citizen’s in The United States of America. Jim from, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was another slave …show more content…

Americans never settle for anything; they strive to make leaps every year so they can make their country the best country in the world. Why would the Americans settle when they can make their civilization much better, sort of like what Frederick Douglass did and how he did his best to try and gain freedom and liberty for him and the black civilization. There were probably many people during his time that thought that black people should never be considered as citizens of the U.S.A or they should not even be considered as human beings. With all that doubt being put through his mind it made him realize that he should not worry what other people think or say but he should persevere and fight for his freedom and his rights. Americans also need to be able to take risk and not be scared to do what is right. Just like how Jim from, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, knew it was not right to be kept as a slave and he showed that he was not going to let anything that was wrong to be done. Jim wanted his freedom and he wanted to get away from all the trouble and just be free. He had to take plenty of risks to get what he wanted. The point is that Americans always go for their best interest and they do things that they usually should not do, but at the end it was always worth it because it made crucial changes to the American civilization and most importantly it gave the black civilization their much deserved …show more content…

But many Americans usually fight for what is right and what they want and it always takes a little of perseverance to usually get it done. Perseverance is something that most people wish to have because not many people are able to fight for what they believe in and most of those people will also never get to experience how it feels like to live their dream. Perseverance has changed many lives and if everyone had just a little of it then everybody would be living their dream and they would not have to worry about having regret for the rest of their life. Perseverance has been a huge help to the American society. Not many people know that without it the American civilization would not be where it is today. When the Americans escaped from Europe they knew what they were doing was not the right thing to do but in order for them to have their freedom they had to do what they had to do. Many of them persevered and they reached their goal, which was to get away from the British so they could start off their new lifestyle. They can also look back to Abraham Lincoln and how he was the main reason how black people received their freedom. If it was not for him then maybe it would have taken a little more longer for black people to gain their freedom and respect. He was the one who opened up the tunnel for other people to help out the black people and was able to abolish