Lincoln's Heaven Mean In The Golden Key To Unlock The New Door

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The Golden Key To Unlocking New Doors
Many people think that with wealth comes new opportunities and in the society we live in, it can create new freedoms and abilities that normally that person can not normally access. In the southern gothic story by Toni Morrison, there is a symbol into the story that represents the freedoms that come with wealth and the great extents people will go to to achieve this idea of wealth, freedom and stability. This symbol would be lincoln's heaven. Lincoln's Heaven was the childhood farm of the father of macon Dead the second, macon Dead the first, aslo known as jake owned and ran this farm and Macon dead the second grew up on the farm. Lincoln’s Heaven is a perfect symbol that describes effort for achieving social and economical stability and how everyone is always taught to strive for such achievements.
One of the ways Lincoln's heaven resembles the idea of stability would be when Malcolm is talking about how his father signed away the farm to a white man accidentally because he didn't know how to read. “Papa couldn’t read. Couldn't even sign his name… he signed something and the told him they owned his property… everything bad that ever happened was because he could read”(Morrison 53). This quote describes how the family once …show more content…

“Papa was in his teens… the man behind the desk was drunk… the yankee wrote it all down in the wrong spaces”(morrison 57). Macon describes his father's experience then also says “it was new and would wipe out the past. Wipe it all out”(Morrison 58). These two quotes resemble how before macon’s father met his wife and settled down at Lincoln's Heaven there was a large amount of instability in his life, and lincolns heave helped create the sense of stability that was never present in the first