Lincoln's Speech Living God

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Lincoln thought about the war theologically, as well as politically. This made clear by his many insertions of the Bible throughout his speech―“God” (five times), “living God” (once), the “Almighty” (once), the “Lord” (once), “His” (three times), “He” (twice), “Him” (once)—all in the short space of 469 words in two paragraphs. With the words "The Almighty has His own purposes" Lincoln brought God to the rhetorical center of the address. In quick strokes he described God's actions: "He now wills to remove"; "He gives to both North and South this terrible war" proclaiming that this war was brought on by God as a repayment for slavery and the war will not end “until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the