Lindsay Franklin: A Short Story

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“No matter what happens… some memories can never be replaced”
Like the ones in my heart about paint, smelly animals, puppies, apples, and more puppies and now I get to share them with you.

Lindsay franklin's memoirs

My dad had just picked me up from a long day at school he had a surprise for me and my brother james we were dieing to know. Then as we got in the car there it was a small, adorable, blond, little puppy. Dad said her name is Lucy and she is a yellow lab. How cute I screeched in excitement. I was glad we got a puppy because dad had promised that once we were settled in our new duplex that we would get one. As the car pulled into the hard concrete driveway I was about to break the door off I was so excited because I couldn't wait to get inside to play with her. A little after dinner we sat outside in the nice air and held her. Dad asked me if I wanted to hold her I was a little scared to because she …show more content…

We were just sitting at home and we all wanted to get outside and go have fun on father's day. We hopped in the car and we drove to a store called Pet Land that sold dogs and dog items. We walked in and went straight for the puppies and found this sweet, cute, little, fluff ball. He didn't have a name yet because he was so young but he was extremely cute. We all asked if we could get him but he said no then we kept on pleading and pleading then he said ok fine we can get him. This was the best father's day I had ever had. After we bought him we had to think of a name everyone was throwing out ideas then finally it came to me his name should be george it was perfect. I yelled it out my family said that's perfect his name is george. He was so soft but sometimes his cold wet nose would touch my skin and tickle me. His snow white paws had little leathery pads on them that were rough. His ears were a light brown with a dark grey color on them. He was as cute as a button. It was an amazing day I had lots of

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