Personal Narrative: Skippy, My Home

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When my mom and dad told me, my brother Timmy and Jimmy that are twins and my little sister Molly that we were going on a trip I freaked out I was so excited but they would not tell us where we are going. Mom said that grandma was coming, I was upset but i was not going to let that ruin my trip. I asked my mom if Skippy, my dog, could come and she said yes I was very happy. We loaded the car and we took the canoe so that gave me a hint of where we are going. We drive off. Timmy and Jimmy are sticking their heads out the window. I want to push them out the window but i 'm too busy blowing bubbles with my bubble gum. Also Grandma will yell at me and she’s scary. Jimmy is covering his nose he smells something nasty. Skippy smells it too and wants